darryl west: Coltrane down the dog-door-ramp
darryl west: squinting in the sun
darryl west: treets?
darryl west: thinking. about dinner...
darryl west: poodle warrior. warrior poodle.
darryl west: ready for dinner. or a snack
darryl west: sasha with her favorite ball
darryl west: sasha on my lap
darryl west: sasha behind the screen mesh
darryl west: black, white, and color...
darryl west: sacha and her tennis ball
darryl west: sasha playing tennis poodle style
darryl west: sasha warm brown eyes
darryl west: sasha looking at a lime lime.
darryl west: against the green lights
darryl west: Sasha spinning
darryl west: checking for danger
darryl west: waiting for instructions. walk?
darryl west: sasha resting in the sun
darryl west: waiting for the holidays
darryl west: the hunter
darryl west: waiting for mom to get home
darryl west: my favorite sleeping spot
darryl west: trimmed nose
darryl west: check out my new hair cut
darryl west: background party lights
darryl west: looking back at you
darryl west: please feed me. that's all I want.
darryl west: sasha wearing her donut of shame