plasticfootball: South Side Consumers Dairy Co.
plasticfootball: Cherokee Rec Center cornerstone
plasticfootball: 3239 twice
plasticfootball: California Do-Nut
plasticfootball: California Do-Nut back room
plasticfootball: Ro-Way door handle
plasticfootball: Cyclone Fence
plasticfootball: Sears gate
plasticfootball: Night deposit
plasticfootball: stniaP ynoloC
plasticfootball: Formerly thought to be the McNair Theater...
plasticfootball: Poke-a-Dot
plasticfootball: Suzie Cue
plasticfootball: The other Champagne of Beers
plasticfootball: Typewriter Tim Jordan
plasticfootball: Merry KISSmas
plasticfootball: $5 Priced to sell
plasticfootball: The Revenger
plasticfootball: 3213-15 Indiana
plasticfootball: Mojo at Benton Park
plasticfootball: Heedless
plasticfootball: Snazzy gate on Cherokee
plasticfootball: But is it art?
plasticfootball: Art at abandoned apartment building