plasticfootball: Rent One Park, post-game
plasticfootball: Eyeball race at a Southern Illinois Miners Game
plasticfootball: Illinois Star Centre Mall
plasticfootball: The IRS now has the power to turn you into a stuffed animal
plasticfootball: Horsey Shelves!
plasticfootball: Marion Carnegie Library
plasticfootball: Katherine on the balcony
plasticfootball: The entertaining graphics of the young-adult section
plasticfootball: "Sector 206" at the Carnegie Library
plasticfootball: Sector 206
plasticfootball: Mobile Homes
plasticfootball: IL-Marion-Hightower RCA
plasticfootball: IL-Marion-controls
plasticfootball: IL-Marion-bikes
plasticfootball: Grinder etc.
plasticfootball: Broken Shell
plasticfootball: Christian Church
plasticfootball: Farm Fresh bottle
plasticfootball: Hill Printing
plasticfootball: Intermodal sculpture
plasticfootball: Long way baby
plasticfootball: Mailboxes
plasticfootball: Powell's
plasticfootball: Purple Peacock
plasticfootball: Reindeer
plasticfootball: Under 21