Spindoc Bob: Noah and Nay pause from taking in the view at Stanwell Tops
Spindoc Bob: Snack time at Stanwell Tops
Spindoc Bob: Thumbs up for Cheezels on Bald Hill, Stanwell Tops
Spindoc Bob: Isaac the bush walker avoiding leeches and spiky plants
Spindoc Bob: Noah's happy with lunch at Stanwell Park
Spindoc Bob: Nay's happy to not have anyone jumping on her
Spindoc Bob: Never a moment of peace with Noah
Spindoc Bob: Trying to all fit in a group 'selfy' on the Seacliff bridge
Spindoc Bob: Seacliff bridge
Spindoc Bob: I won the messy gelato eating competition
Spindoc Bob: Isaac strips off to jump into the sea pool
Spindoc Bob: Noah chilling out at Austinmer beach