Darren W. Ritson: Soggy Barn Owl
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl.....Head On.
Darren W. Ritson: Hovering Barn Owl
Darren W. Ritson: Ready For The Kill.......Barn Owl
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl in flight (Re-worked)
Darren W. Ritson: Barny on a Fencepost....
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl on a Post
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl (Explored)
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl...Giving me the Eye.
Darren W. Ritson: The Silent Hunter
Darren W. Ritson: Two Barn Owls in Flight
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl....
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl Hunting
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Own - The Silent Killer
Darren W. Ritson: Flight of the Barn Owl
Darren W. Ritson: Fly By Barn Owl
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl Blur.....(Explored)
Darren W. Ritson: The Cresswell Barn Owl (Explored)
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl - Silhouette
Darren W. Ritson: Barn Owl - Silhouette II