Darrell Godliman: UK - London - Marylebone Lane Car Park 02_DSC5518
Darrell Godliman: UK - London - Marylebone Lane Car Park_mono v2_DSC3869
Darrell Godliman: UK - London - Marylebone Lane Car Park_flipped_DSC3869
Darrell Godliman: UK - London - Welbeck St Car Park flipped
Darrell Godliman: UK - Oxford - Biochemistry Building 09_DSC3054
Darrell Godliman: UK - Oxford - Biochemistry abstract_flipped sq
Darrell Godliman: UK - Oxford - Biochemistry abstract_flipped sq v2
Darrell Godliman: UK - Oxford - Biochemistry Building 10_flipped_DSC1400
Darrell Godliman: Denmark - Copenhagen - Orestad - Bella Sky 06sq
Darrell Godliman: Denmark - Copenhagen - Orestad - Bella Sky 06sq flipped v3
Darrell Godliman: Denmark - Copenhagen - Orestad - Bella Sky 06sq flipped v4
Darrell Godliman: Denmark - Copenhagen - Orestad - Bella Sky 06sq_flipped
Darrell Godliman: UK - London - Tate Modern - The Switch House 15_sq_DSC2047
Darrell Godliman: UK - London - Tate Modern - The Switch House 15_sq mono_DSC2047
Darrell Godliman: UK - London - Tate Modern - The Switch House 15 v3_mono flipped_DSC2047
Darrell Godliman: UK - London - Tate Modern - The Switch House 15_sq flipped_DSC2047
Darrell Godliman: UK - London - Tate Modern - The Switch House 15 v2_sq flipped_DSC2047
Darrell Godliman: UK - Oxford - University of Oxford - Blavatnik School - Spiral 02_v3 sq_DSC2144
Darrell Godliman: UK - Oxford - University of Oxford - Blavatnik School - Spiral 02_v3 sq flipped_DSC2144
Darrell Godliman: UK - Oxford - University of Oxford - Blavatnik School - Spiral 03_v2 sq flipped_DSC2147
Darrell Godliman: UK - Birmingham - Grand Central reflection 04_sq_DSC4022
Darrell Godliman: UK - Birmingham - Grand Central reflection 04_sq flipped_DSC4022
Darrell Godliman: UK - Birmingham - Grand Central reflection 05_sq_DSC4025
Darrell Godliman: Spain - Barcelona - MACBA Squares
Darrell Godliman: Spain - Barcelona - MACBA Square Dance
Darrell Godliman: Spain - Barcelona - Forum skylight - sq
Darrell Godliman: Spain - Barcelona - Barcelona Forum - Skylight sq v2
Darrell Godliman: Spain - Barcelona - Barcelona Forum skylight v3
Darrell Godliman: Spain - Barcelona - Forum skylight - sq_flipped
Darrell Godliman: Spain - Barcelona - Forum skylight - sq_flipped v3