Retail Memories: Box beams from the old bridge
Retail Memories: Box beams from old bridge
Retail Memories: Looking upriver, (west) from Isle of Capri
Retail Memories: Looking upriver, (west) from Isle of Capri, 4
Retail Memories: Looking upriver, (west) from Isle of Capri, 5
Retail Memories: Tugboat pushes barge with box beam on it
Retail Memories: Looking east
Retail Memories: Looking west
Retail Memories: By June 10th, all steel should be gone, leaving only concrete, I predict.
Retail Memories: By June 10th, all steel should be gone, leaving only concrete, I predict. 2
Retail Memories: Looking north
Retail Memories: Looking west..
Retail Memories: By June 10th, all steel should be gone, leaving only concrete, I predict. 6
Retail Memories: By June 10th, all steel should be gone, leaving only concrete, I predict. 7
Retail Memories: By June 10th, all steel should be gone, leaving only concrete, I predict. 8
Retail Memories: Illustrates proximity of downtown with the river
Retail Memories: Tiny green light guides river traffic to center of passageway