D.S.B: Feeding Time
D.S.B: Remember Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?
D.S.B: Lurking...
D.S.B: Hello!
D.S.B: Hungry, hungry crocodiles
D.S.B: Lurking in the Grass
D.S.B: Would you do it?
D.S.B: Crocodile Wrestling
D.S.B: Easy does it...
D.S.B: Wonder how much he's paid...
D.S.B: Elephant Battle 1
D.S.B: Ronaldinho scores!
D.S.B: Beckham Misses!
D.S.B: Ballack Scores!
D.S.B: Elephant Battle 2
D.S.B: Elephant Battle 3
D.S.B: elephant battle 4
D.S.B: The Evil Eye
D.S.B: Yawning?