Strong Man: DSC00001 horse and llamas
Strong Man: DSC00002 llamas
Strong Man: DSC00003 llamas
Strong Man: DSC00004 llamas
Strong Man: DSC00005 donkey and sheep
Strong Man: DSC00006 Dr King Memorial
Strong Man: DSC00007 Dr King Memorial
Strong Man: DSC00008 Dr King Memorial
Strong Man: DSC00009 metal cattle Abilene airport
Strong Man: DSC00010 metal cattle Abilene airport
Strong Man: DSC00011 metal cattle Abilene airport
Strong Man: DSC00012 elephant Abilene airport
Strong Man: DSC00013 horse Abilene airport
Strong Man: DSC00014 horse Abilene airport
Strong Man: DSC00015 horse Abilene airport
Strong Man: DSC00016 Catclaw Creek
Strong Man: DSC00017 Catclaw Creek
Strong Man: DSC00018 Myrle &
Strong Man: DSC00019 Danny
Strong Man: DSC00020 David
Strong Man: DSC00021 Myrle &
Strong Man: DSC00022 Myrle & Danny, David, Ann
Strong Man: DSC00023 some of John's family
Strong Man: DSC00024 Myrle & some of John's family
Strong Man: DSC00025 Myrle & some of John's family
Strong Man: DSC00027 Myrle & some of John's family
Strong Man: DSC00026 granddaughters
Strong Man: DSC00028 taking a picture of a picture
Strong Man: DSC00029 Abilene has changed
Strong Man: DSC00030 old depot