high chee: Mickey Pumpkin.
high chee: World of Color.
high chee: World of Color.
high chee: World of Color.
high chee: World of Color.
high chee: World of Color.
high chee: Haunted Mansion.
high chee: Haunted Mansion.
high chee: Ghost Mellows.
high chee: Ghost Cake's.
high chee: Tink.
high chee: Art.
high chee: The Nightmare Before Christmas Shadowbox.
high chee: Disneyland Shadowbox.
high chee: Halloween Time.
high chee: Tooth Fairy, in the smoking section.
high chee: Trick or Treat Night.
high chee: Halloween Firework Spectacular.
high chee: Halloween Firework Spectacular.
high chee: Halloween Firework Spectacular.
high chee: Halloween Firework Spectacular.
high chee: Buzz Pumpkin.
high chee: Fireworks.
high chee: tmwlnd. haha.
high chee: Dark Chocolate Rasberry Cupcake.
high chee: mma.
high chee: marshmallows.
high chee: hehehe.
high chee: Self-Reliance.
high chee: They were cute.