kendilea: 3.4.10
Matrioski: elan: 2nd
Em Ogden: wardrobe_remix: March 5, 2010
bellefantaisie: Outfit 5/3/10
Black Luna: 7/31/09
whatswithamy: o5-o5-o9
Mochachocolata-Rita: Sweet Animal
& kathleen: sat 02.14.09
Fergie Chic: 2008 / 02 / 15 hight waisted outfit :)
boboniaa: Mono Layering
born snoozer: Modcloth outfit 2.15.09
Worama U.: Candy Candy
sashula: wintermelancholy
Krist Papas: Purple Leggings, Toronto Street Fashion @ L'Oreal Fashion Week, Besty Johnson Show, Brant House, Toronto
OUFITSNOW: Fall/Winter
elisamarkus: Boutique Interview!
steen ink: i will be that little glowing tree
persephassa: day247
erhead816: outfit 10-4-08
aeccrnticgirl: 08.10.09
oiseau de slu: 10.09.08
Worama U.: Retro mood
erhead816: outfit 10-9-08
Emily Corkery: How is a raven like a writing-desk?
iidaelina: grandpa's
boboniaa: Red Alert
ModCloth: 10.7.08
thriftcandy: an old friend