DARKWIND01: Roy Taking the VF-0S out for a spin. . .
DARKWIND01: "This is Darkbird 1, standing by. . . ."
DARKWIND01: "All systems are in the green ready to taxi. . .
DARKWIND01: "See you boys outside. . ."
DARKWIND01: Some body's got to get these nuggets in line. . .
DARKWIND01: "Now, the red button on your left is the jettison switch. . . DON'T TOUCH!!!"
DARKWIND01: "HEY!!! Cut the chatter and prep for launch!!!!!"
DARKWIND01: The girls are how big? Man I'm all about close encounters Dawg. . .
DARKWIND01: Ok, now that we've got that set who want's a drink???
DARKWIND01: The 1/60 Hanger (stbd)
DARKWIND01: 1/60 Hanger full-on
DARKWIND01: The 1/60 Hanger (port)
DARKWIND01: One of My latest Macross scores