Darkstream: Behind Wheeler Farm
Darkstream: Such gorgeous scenery. How did I not know this was here‽
Darkstream: Riverside out by hoity toity home…
Darkstream: Gateway into mystery
Darkstream: I love how close to the river I can get on this bike path
Darkstream: This was a surprise in the middle of the woods
Darkstream: Nature reclaiming Her own
Darkstream: Rust & Relics
Darkstream: I think this guy was a goner at sundown…
Darkstream: Boardwalk to another pasture
Darkstream: Out behind Wheeler Farm
Darkstream: I guess I'll need pontoons if I want to bike down there.
Darkstream: A clearing off the path…
Darkstream: …leading to a secret picnic bench.
Darkstream: At the spillway
Darkstream: Blue Heron coasting on the wind
Darkstream: Wheeler Farm Spillway facing North
Darkstream: Wheeler Farm Spillway facing South
Darkstream: Weathered Fence at the Spillway
Darkstream: A different treatment of my new favorite place - using CameraBag
Darkstream: A new favorite place to repose
Darkstream: Rushing creek waters
Darkstream: Sketchcrawl crew busy at work
Darkstream: A Taste of Yesteryear
Darkstream: A wonderful subject for photography or sketching
Darkstream: Up Early
Darkstream: Rooster in the dark
Darkstream: Two days later, Mr. Rooster has company