Darkstream: Great Scott!
Darkstream: Looking a little better
Darkstream: Oh oh. The Camera Box is the least of my troubles
Darkstream: Keepers on the left, trash on the right
Darkstream: That's a lot better. A project for another day.
Darkstream: Nice, tidy, and accessible
Darkstream: I cleaned out my Camera Box AND more.
Darkstream: I set my goal small which allowed me to ignore this eyesore.
Darkstream: I think I know what tomorrows project will be
Darkstream: Dang, I don't want to sort through this.
Darkstream: Took an hour, but I pruned the junk out
Darkstream: Not finished, but so much better
Darkstream: Definitely MUCH better
Darkstream: Clutter City
Darkstream: Ahhhh. I can think clearly now.
Darkstream: Life makes clutter
Darkstream: Order takes effort
Darkstream: You know how you get busy?
Darkstream: And you don't take the time to be tidy?
Darkstream: That's what happens to me when I work
Darkstream: Everything gets pushed to the side in concentric circles from my computer desk
Darkstream: Being tidy doesn't have to mean be spotless
Darkstream: Sometimes the simplest tidying can yield satisfying results
Darkstream: Clutter drags me down, so cleaning is very important to me
Darkstream: Even the smallest effort can offset Depression for me.
Darkstream: My box of computer junk
Darkstream: Parallel & Serial cables from the dawn of time
Darkstream: The Past separated from the Present
Darkstream: Supplies Run Amok
Darkstream: Streamlined & More Useful