Darkooo: cathedral
Darkooo: color
Darkooo: breakfast
Darkooo: 5 o'clock
Darkooo: a favourite thing
Darkooo: reflection
Darkooo: Something you do everyday
Darkooo: Small
Darkooo: Can't (won't) live without
Darkooo: night
Darkooo: Drink
Darkooo: Slept
Darkooo: Man-made
Darkooo: Bag
Darkooo: The view from your window
Darkooo: The last thing you bought
Darkooo: Drug
Darkooo: Something awesome
Darkooo: Work/play
Darkooo: What you wore
Darkooo: Black
Darkooo: A sound you heard
Darkooo: Sky
Darkooo: In the cupboard
Darkooo: Tree
Darkooo: Vehicle
Darkooo: Big
Darkooo: On the wall
Darkooo: Grateful