Darko GLAZER: Hram Hrista Spasitelja (Temple of Christ the Savior)
Darko GLAZER: Hram Hrista Spasitelja (Temple of Christ the Savior)
Darko GLAZER: Kastel (Castle)
Darko GLAZER: Vrbas kod Kastela (Vrbas River at the Kastel)
Darko GLAZER: Kastel (Castle)
Darko GLAZER: The Seat of the President of Republika Srpska
Darko GLAZER: Fresco of Isus Hristos Pantokrator
Darko GLAZER: Banski dvor (currently City Hall)
Darko GLAZER: "Gospodska"ulica ("Gentlemen" Street)
Darko GLAZER: Robna kuća (department store) Boska
Darko GLAZER: Kastel Fortress
Darko GLAZER: Banja Luka Panorama