theDarkHalo: House in Perris, Ca.
theDarkHalo: DSC_7056
theDarkHalo: DSC_7061
theDarkHalo: Seventh Day Adventist Church in Perris, Ca.
theDarkHalo: DSC_7162 - Copy_3_tonemapped
theDarkHalo: Old highway into Palm Springs, Ca.
theDarkHalo: My Pet
theDarkHalo: Cape Disappointment Lighthouse
theDarkHalo: Pelicans at Laguna
theDarkHalo: Going Somewhere....
theDarkHalo: Going Somewhere....
theDarkHalo: Mission Inn
theDarkHalo: Mission Inn
theDarkHalo: coroner03
theDarkHalo: In The Spotlight
theDarkHalo: Near Mormon Rocks
theDarkHalo: Dark Journey
theDarkHalo: Headed to the heart of the desert
theDarkHalo: Lake Mathews
theDarkHalo: Lake Mathews near home.
theDarkHalo: Castle in Perris
theDarkHalo: Castle in Perris (ver 2)
theDarkHalo: Near Ridgecrest in upper desert
theDarkHalo: Off the I-10 in the lower desert out of Indio and Palm Springs.
theDarkHalo: Off the I-10 in the lower desert out of Indio and Palm Springs.
theDarkHalo: Wind farms near Palm Springs.
theDarkHalo: My cousin Wendy Vaughn, an amazing pro photographer in her own right, dubbed this shot 'Lizard Mansion' and I think I'll go with that.