darkestbird: Broken
darkestbird: Bob...no more
darkestbird: The Weekend
darkestbird: Behind the beetroot
darkestbird: Up North
darkestbird: People are strange.....
darkestbird: Chakra Magic
darkestbird: Pop Song
darkestbird: Funny..how everything's fine, until it's not
darkestbird: The night after the day before (21/9/08)
darkestbird: New camera...same old me (16/9/08)
darkestbird: Taking the Veil (9/9/08)
darkestbird: NOT A STRESS BALL (16/8/08)
darkestbird: The Green Post-It (15/7/08)
darkestbird: Hair Today (30/6/08)
darkestbird: Seventeen
darkestbird: Windswept and interested