darkestbird: Bike Park
darkestbird: Musique Concrète
darkestbird: Crosshatch
darkestbird: Not a grey day
darkestbird: Little bits of me
darkestbird: Serial Balm
darkestbird: Cable (20/6/08)
darkestbird: Park Life (21/7/08)
darkestbird: Take the shadow (1/8/08)
darkestbird: Train Window 1
darkestbird: Frequently Asked Questions (4/8/08)
darkestbird: Landform
darkestbird: Gallery of Modern Art 1
darkestbird: contextualization (10/9/08)
darkestbird: New camera...same old me (16/9/08)
darkestbird: The night after the day before (21/9/08)
darkestbird: The party's over (22/9/08)
darkestbird: Yacht on Loch Lomond 2
darkestbird: The defintion of low cloud
darkestbird: I always wanted to be tall
darkestbird: Tony 27-9-08
darkestbird: Coruisk 2
darkestbird: Leaving Mallaig
darkestbird: They're not real...honest
darkestbird: Living on the Edge
darkestbird: Late night dominoes
darkestbird: If you go down to the woods today...
darkestbird: One girl and her stick