darkestbird: Internal Mail
darkestbird: Sand stretched far away
darkestbird: Before the rain
darkestbird: Perspective
darkestbird: It may come, but it will pass
darkestbird: Traces of Tony
darkestbird: Grey Sea | Blue Sky
darkestbird: Christmas Day at the BBC
darkestbird: Angel of the West
darkestbird: Red Branches
darkestbird: Caged Light
darkestbird: Squinty Bridge
darkestbird: Finnieston Crane
darkestbird: Under the bridge
darkestbird: There will be fake turkey this Christmas!!!
darkestbird: Funny..how everything's fine, until it's not
darkestbird: Not only angels have wings...
darkestbird: Xmas Tree 1
darkestbird: Xmas Tree 2
darkestbird: The Maltese Falcon (2/7/08)
darkestbird: Hair Today (30/6/08)
darkestbird: A Whispering Sea of Towering Trees
darkestbird: Japanese Girl
darkestbird: Official End of British Summertime (29/6/08)
darkestbird: Roofing
darkestbird: Bar Art 2
darkestbird: Serial Balm
darkestbird: Little bits of me