julienpaul: he might look smug but really he is just very tired
julienpaul: the keep and the great hall
julienpaul: we found josh in the great hall
julienpaul: archways, archways, iain
julienpaul: glorious kenilworth
julienpaul: looks promising
julienpaul: iain wonders whether he can take us through
julienpaul: the poor caged freitag
julienpaul: so tired
julienpaul: he thought he was alone in the fields...
julienpaul: josh asks the windmill the meaning of life
julienpaul: josh gazing, iain lazing
julienpaul: the road to the windmill
julienpaul: a windmill on the way to the freeway
julienpaul: cheese, chorizo, pringles, red wine and the bible
julienpaul: josh had just done a Paul Keating.
julienpaul: the peacock running for its life.
julienpaul: get away from the hag, josh
julienpaul: carravagio meets british wax makers
julienpaul: the wedding by the broken bridge
julienpaul: sexy crenelations
julienpaul: we could so hold this fort
julienpaul: twenty-one pounds and a few wax dolls later
julienpaul: iain and josh contemplating tourist traps
julienpaul: what cider should I drink?
julienpaul: we came back to the town and nothing was left
julienpaul: one of our team members just disappeared..
julienpaul: they said this was a national park..
julienpaul: it was just me, the tree and my silly tshirt
julienpaul: horses in the trees...