julienpaul: people are afraid to merge on the freeway
julienpaul: sitting in silence in bars after work
julienpaul: let's drive to Brighton on the weekend
julienpaul: i was an ordinary man, with ordinary desire
julienpaul: After sex the bitter taste
julienpaul: make it cruel just make me laugh
julienpaul: lord, give me grace and dancing feet
julienpaul: and our fingers they almost touched
julienpaul: we wrote our names on every train
julienpaul: if I could do it all again I'd make more mistakes
julienpaul: so why do you have to go thinking thoughts that are above you?
julienpaul: I just burn with anger all the time
julienpaul: We left our trousers by the canal
julienpaul: A flatness so bleak, I've been bitten by a vampire
julienpaul: And when it runs out..
julienpaul: The teeth of this world Tear me in half
julienpaul: It seems that the winds have stopped
julienpaul: I work hard all week and so do you
julienpaul: I've danced with you
julienpaul: I walk a modern tight rope
julienpaul: Live the dream like the 80's never happened
julienpaul: It is not black just a shade of brown
julienpaul: We're doing the best, with what we've got
julienpaul: I'd have gone wherever you wanted
julienpaul: Feasting on sleeping pills and Marlboro reds
julienpaul: Laughed at the people off to work
julienpaul: We should have run, I would go with you anywhere