julienpaul: distorted realities
julienpaul: morning cleaning at the fondation III
julienpaul: the fondation maeght
julienpaul: sert's chapel
julienpaul: morning cleaning at the fondation II
julienpaul: morning cleaning at the fondation I
julienpaul: plays of light and shadow
julienpaul: aligning doorways, a la Sert
julienpaul: franchises
julienpaul: not built by jews
julienpaul: only half lit
julienpaul: to the right
julienpaul: ignoring chagall
julienpaul: monkey bars
julienpaul: mirror ceiling
julienpaul: metz cathedral
julienpaul: reflections in metz
julienpaul: the island, metz
julienpaul: another cathedral (metz)
julienpaul: the hanging man
julienpaul: the great square
julienpaul: versailles, in square form
julienpaul: bike ride in nice
julienpaul: in a small town in Normandy...
julienpaul: towards the sunset
julienpaul: in competition
julienpaul: orange wall, instrument, empty glass
julienpaul: diptyque: poke his nose and he plays
julienpaul: the beast inside (and out)
julienpaul: the smoking angel