julienpaul: the alien laid its eggs
julienpaul: the ballet dancer kept it all from falling down
julienpaul: they don't pose much
julienpaul: in the womb
julienpaul: oh look what we found walking down the street
julienpaul: oh look, I don't know why there are three big black balls here
julienpaul: not sure why..
julienpaul: it ate me
julienpaul: hello courbet
julienpaul: black and shiny
julienpaul: a very big marble
julienpaul: the circus tent
julienpaul: overexposed but still black
julienpaul: through the curves
julienpaul: praying to heartbeats
julienpaul: so. what is this all about?
julienpaul: neons in the palace
julienpaul: art nouveau here I come
julienpaul: the moving pile
julienpaul: the grand palais roof, photo 45
julienpaul: dropping, dropping
julienpaul: monumenta 2010
julienpaul: boxes
julienpaul: Pointing to the sky
julienpaul: pillars
julienpaul: Pillars : Thinness
julienpaul: Pillars
julienpaul: Monumenta + sabine
julienpaul: Monumenta + stranger
julienpaul: Precarious objects II