mia*moore: Quati
mia*moore: palimpsest
mia*moore: Capybara, biggest rodent on earth
mia*moore: biggest bird in South America
mia*moore: R.O.U.S.
mia*moore: skull and bones
mia*moore: the Turkish bug repellant I used
mia*moore: nine banded armidillo
mia*moore: caimen
mia*moore: little guy
mia*moore: sun rise in the Pantenal
mia*moore: my hotel room in Sao Paulo
mia*moore: saving electricity
mia*moore: view from my hotel window
mia*moore: view from my hotel window
mia*moore: when will the USA ever learn
mia*moore: 13th Floor Elevators
mia*moore: my room, 13th floor
mia*moore: fancy
mia*moore: Paul and most adorable puppie ever
mia*moore: front door to biggest house I have set foot inside to date.
mia*moore: pool house
mia*moore: pool
mia*moore: four stories of grandeur
mia*moore: scrabble
mia*moore: glamour
mia*moore: rudy and teab
mia*moore: the moore ladies
mia*moore: Arroz