mia*moore: Dorthy's hotel in New Zealand
mia*moore: bag bag bag
mia*moore: dad and uncle Moore
mia*moore: sand
mia*moore: prolly listening to Young Jeezy
mia*moore: sister
mia*moore: cousins
mia*moore: brother's Moore
mia*moore: sister on the bus
mia*moore: can in the cans
mia*moore: Backpackers hut
mia*moore: Mt. Cook
mia*moore: NZ mountains
mia*moore: valley
mia*moore: bridge over terquoise water
mia*moore: sheep
mia*moore: sheep butts
mia*moore: sea kayaking
mia*moore: milford sound
mia*moore: waterfall
mia*moore: you can drink this water
mia*moore: bike riding view
mia*moore: muscle shell
mia*moore: fern
mia*moore: glacier
mia*moore: distant glacier
mia*moore: airfield sign
mia*moore: Okarito hike
mia*moore: Okarito