Michelle Souliere: archway in full
Michelle Souliere: basement bulb
Michelle Souliere: start point
Michelle Souliere: archway span
Michelle Souliere: the archway dark
Michelle Souliere: the archway illuminated
Michelle Souliere: the canning room
Michelle Souliere: the sole light
Michelle Souliere: cellar corner
Michelle Souliere: living room
Michelle Souliere: dutch oven
Michelle Souliere: the cubby hole
Michelle Souliere: the post
Michelle Souliere: the main view
Michelle Souliere: my window
Michelle Souliere: side porch
Michelle Souliere: back porch
Michelle Souliere: the lilacs
Michelle Souliere: threesome
Michelle Souliere: the back end
Michelle Souliere: the front
Michelle Souliere: front walkway
Michelle Souliere: green hose, green grass
Michelle Souliere: chimney corner
Michelle Souliere: barricaded shed
Michelle Souliere: the sideline
Michelle Souliere: paint detail #2
Michelle Souliere: paint detail #1
Michelle Souliere: corner yinyang