Kiersten Bree: tilt....Little pieces of beautiful inspiration...thank you xo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ The rockin' girls of A Room Of Our Own ~ thank you! xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ Bokeh summery bliss but most importantly..a hint of crazy ;-) Thanks for the inspiration!! xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ Luminosity
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ Bring on the Wonder ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ Celebration of life, love, freedom and magic ~ thank you xo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ Melodies, messages and magic ~ thank you xo
Kiersten Bree: TILT - My sparkling lights in the dark ~ Thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ Bewitched ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt- "If you dont have any shadows you're not in the light" ~ Lady Gaga ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ I the magic of fairy tales,childhood and things that sparkle, epic skies and briny seas, the fierce hearts of bad ass chicks and the irresistible pull of the hot guy
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ Magic is...a child's wonder, a pet's love, crashing waves, bursts of color, petals and dew, her sexy curves, tattoos and rock n roll, heartbreak transformed into art, bein' a mama, epic skies filled with light..and happiness?'s a warm gun
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ Gathering of all things dark and light ~ thank you xo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ " that which they bring, though fashioned of dreams, is raiment and food for your soul." ~ Khalil Gibran
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ "Fare thee well love..." ~Rankin Family ~ thank you all xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ Healing through light, love and fierce hearts ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ bursts of light, love and magic ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ Autumn arrives ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ beautiful october ~ thank you for the inspiration xo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ The whimsy, beauty and horror ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ October love ~ thank you for the inspiration! xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ Something wicked this way comes ~ thank you for the scares! xoxo
Kiersten Bree: Tilt ~ Frost, flames, flowers and furfaces ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ A Love Restrained ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ “Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” ~ Roald Dahl" ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ "it is all a great strange dream" - Jack Kerouac ~ thank you xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT~ Farewell November ~ thank you all for the inspiration xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ "like fireflies in December" ~ thank you for the inspiration xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ Merry and bright ~ thanks for the magic xoxo
Kiersten Bree: TILT ~ Magic of Christmas ~ thanks guys xoxo