Larry Snodgrass:
Untion Terminal
Larry Snodgrass:
Terraced Fountain
Larry Snodgrass:
Detail of Front Clock
Larry Snodgrass:
Mosaic 1
Larry Snodgrass:
Panorama of Front and Rotunda Ceiling
Larry Snodgrass:
Mosaic 2
Larry Snodgrass:
Ceiling Abstract
Larry Snodgrass:
Information Desk and Ticket Office
Larry Snodgrass:
Front Windows
Larry Snodgrass:
Entrance for Incoming Passengers
Larry Snodgrass:
Art Deco Door Bar
Larry Snodgrass:
Old Ticket Windows
Larry Snodgrass:
Neon Sign
Larry Snodgrass:
Telephone Booths
Larry Snodgrass:
Front Exits
Larry Snodgrass: