Darin Dines:
Darin Dines:
Dining Room
Darin Dines:
Dining Room
Darin Dines:
Black and White savory cookie with apple and cheddar
Darin Dines:
Black and White savory cookie with apple and cheddar
Darin Dines:
Small Bites
Darin Dines:
Darin Dines:
Foie Gras seared with strawberry and onion
Darin Dines:
Caviar picnic with pickled macerel and ratatouile
Darin Dines:
Caviar picnic with pickled macerel and ratatouile
Darin Dines:
Darin Dines:
Blackberry Ice
Darin Dines:
Corn with fresh and smoked clams
Darin Dines:
Lobster Boil with beans, bacon, and potatoes
Darin Dines:
Lobster Boil with beans, bacon, and potatoes
Darin Dines:
Beef dry-aged ribeye with eggplant
Darin Dines:
Tomato roasted and compressed with bread
Darin Dines:
Potato smoked with pommes souffle
Darin Dines:
Plum grilled with ricotta ice cream and oats
Darin Dines:
Plum grilled with ricotta ice cream and oats
Darin Dines:
Chocolate ganache with orange cream
Darin Dines:
Chocolate "Name That Milk"
Darin Dines:
Apple Brandy
Darin Dines:
Chocolate Pretzel with Sea Salt
Darin Dines: