evilsugar25: cory & cheesesteak. appropriate.
evilsugar25: section 223. awesome seats. so-so fans in the section.
evilsugar25: i'm excited. trust me.
evilsugar25: see? excited.
evilsugar25: the view
evilsugar25: it looks pretty yankee stadium-y
evilsugar25: i love mo.
evilsugar25: theeee yankees win! 27th time.
evilsugar25: celebration
evilsugar25: cory's happy
evilsugar25: i am too
evilsugar25: hastily construct a podium at 2nd base
evilsugar25: seats were close to the press box, so we could see the TVs. very convenient.
evilsugar25: 27 Championships
evilsugar25: World Champions
evilsugar25: Cheesesteaks vanquished, devoured
evilsugar25: cheesesteak wreckage
evilsugar25: The Great Hall celebrates
evilsugar25: locker room celebration on the big screen
evilsugar25: celebration under the el
evilsugar25: happy crowd
evilsugar25: happy crowd
evilsugar25: the old girl sits quietly dark partially dismantled across the street :(
evilsugar25: dancin' the streets (and chanting "assss-hole" @ the philly fan)