evilsugar25: def leppard camden nj 06.23.06
evilsugar25: def leppard camden nj 06.23.06
evilsugar25: def leppard camden nj 06.23.06
evilsugar25: jc & craig
evilsugar25: def leppard camden nj 06.23.06
evilsugar25: def leppard camden nj 06.23.06
evilsugar25: sav turning back the clock
evilsugar25: from the pit
evilsugar25: from the pit
evilsugar25: view from side of the stage
evilsugar25: view from side of the stage
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evilsugar25: tara interviews joe elliot
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evilsugar25: rock n' roll road show