Cornelia Anghel: What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.
Cornelia Anghel: moon mood for a rainy day ...
Cornelia Anghel: Be yourself. Be creative.
Cornelia Anghel: Abstract.
Cornelia Anghel: Take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves.
Cornelia Anghel: BELIEVE IN MAGIC
Cornelia Anghel: { wintery }
Cornelia Anghel: Happy New 2012!
Cornelia Anghel: SENSATION
Cornelia Anghel: {childhood}
Cornelia Anghel: { abstract reality } [Explored]
Cornelia Anghel: { smell of spring }
Cornelia Anghel: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Cornelia Anghel: { naturally framed }
Cornelia Anghel: { simplicity of a winter day }
Cornelia Anghel: My first love. Geometry.
Cornelia Anghel: { beautifully abstract }
Cornelia Anghel: “Joy is not in things. It is in us.”
Cornelia Anghel: There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.
Cornelia Anghel: Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
Cornelia Anghel: ... as for a lifetime
Cornelia Anghel: The Rose
Cornelia Anghel: Memories
Cornelia Anghel: Looking for some answers.
Cornelia Anghel: ... though I did my best
Cornelia Anghel: ~ elegance ~
Cornelia Anghel: ~ tales about childhood ~