DGVAS: 275312322_a19f6afa6e_o
DGVAS: Northern Song dynasty, tea holder , with proof on old painting.
DGVAS: 葉形茶荷北宋 Northern Song Guan , leaf shape tea holder
DGVAS: RU20160912 Palace Museum Taipei/ Ru collection
DGVAS: 福建南宋遇林亭窯金彩天目
DGVAS: 宋瓷巔峰
DGVAS: cherry and northern Song guan
DGVAS: P9300152
DGVAS: 20170730_101243
DGVAS: 早期汝州青瓷茶碗 羅漢杯 Ru Tea bowl , Song Dynasty
DGVAS: 早期汝州青瓷茶碗 羅漢杯 Ru Tea bowl , Song Dynasty
DGVAS: 早期汝州青瓷茶碗 羅漢杯 Ru Tea bowl , Song Dynasty
DGVAS: PC050183 拷貝
DGVAS: 雍正無款 仿汝天青釉 印盒
DGVAS: PC070174 拷貝
DGVAS: Gourd-shaped ewer, Northern Song Dynasty ,Guan 仿越窯
DGVAS: P1050153
DGVAS: P1040136 拷貝
DGVAS: 登封窯 珍珠地 水注 宋。Song dynasty tea pot
DGVAS: 鼎州窯 影青 童戲 盞
DGVAS: 茶荷 北宋 徽宗開封 御作坊 Northern Song Dynasty , Hui-tzong imperial factory /workshop , near Kaifeng city
DGVAS: Northern Song Guan ware. kai-feng royal workshop of Emperor Hui-zong
DGVAS: 56601 拷貝
DGVAS: 耀變天目 七彩 蛤蠣光 南宋
DGVAS: 黃金油滴建盞 Oil drops , Southern Song dynasty,
DGVAS: P7151773 拷貝
DGVAS: P7151775
DGVAS: P7151777
DGVAS: aPC210108 拷貝1
DGVAS: aPC210119