DGVAS: 北宋 徽宗 開封官窯
DGVAS: 鴨杯鳳尊 北宋 汴京官窯 Northern Song Dynasty , kaifeng Guan ware
DGVAS: 北宋 徽宗開封御官窯 仿生瓷
DGVAS: P4040155
DGVAS: 北宋 開封御官窯 三足鑪 Song Guan-ware , Kai-fong , tripod censor
DGVAS: 帶蓋三足薰爐, 宋 北方青瓷 12th century , Northern Song , Guan
DGVAS: Northern Song dynasty, tea holder , with proof on old painting.
DGVAS: 葉形茶荷北宋 Northern Song Guan , leaf shape tea holder
DGVAS: 貔貅蓋三足薰爐 宋 青瓷
DGVAS: the ultimate porcelain in the human history
DGVAS: Southern Song , Jindezeng Guanyin, 南宋 影青 南海觀音
DGVAS: PB270007
DGVAS: 狻猊香爐 Northern Song dynasty, Huizong 1120-1127
DGVAS: 北宋-文會圖-驗證的開封御官窯茶荷 Northern Song, Guanware
DGVAS: cherry and northern Song guan
DGVAS: P7220405
DGVAS: 佛教財神 南宋 影青瓷雕塑
DGVAS: P8070450
DGVAS: P8070452 拷貝
DGVAS: PC250007
DGVAS: 遼綠釉魚形瓶
DGVAS: 504 拷貝
DGVAS: 北宋 開封官作坊 御用禮儀瓷器 天青 水盂 Northern Song , Guan ware .sng001
DGVAS: 茶荷 北宋 徽宗開封 御作坊 Northern Song Dynasty , Hui-tzong imperial factory /workshop , near Kaifeng city
DGVAS: 北宋 開封官 狻猊 金猊「性好煙,故立於香爐」
DGVAS: 汴京官窯 帶蓋 薰爐
DGVAS: 開封御官作 兩件式薰爐,狻猊 Northern Song , Kai-feng Guan
DGVAS: P7241673 拷貝