DGVAS: 天青如意頂玄紋三足薰爐 , Northern Song ,Hui-zong Guan ware , incens burner with Ru-yi cloud cover
DGVAS: 宋瓷開片美的故事 the story of Song Crackle glaze
DGVAS: 南宋-哥窯 鵝頸瓶 Southern Song , Ge ware goose neck vase
DGVAS: 雨過天青 The optimal color of Song porcelain , Sky blue/green and a touch of grey
DGVAS: 汝窯 筆舔 Ru ware
DGVAS: 南宋 景德鎮 粉定 八稜小瓶
DGVAS: 帶蓋三足薰爐, 宋 北方青瓷 12th century , Northern Song , Guan
DGVAS: 20170730_101243
DGVAS: 12th century, vase , Song
DGVAS: Ding ware vase and flowers,
DGVAS: Ding-vase-fl
DGVAS: 定窯花果
DGVAS: 定窯柿釉長頸瓶
DGVAS: Ding ware, Song dynasty
DGVAS: Dinwarescraffiato (8)
DGVAS: Din ware scraffiato
DGVAS: ding-ware 定窯 花瓶 剔花
DGVAS: 定窯盤
DGVAS: 後周--北宋-刻牡丹紋-瓶 Ding ware vase,
DGVAS: Ding ware, Tripod censer,Northern Song Dynasty, 北宋 定窯 璇紋三足爐
DGVAS: 定窯-渣斗 Ding ware,
DGVAS: 定窯印花-殘 定窯印花技術極佳 圖案也很別緻美麗 美麗的釉色, Ding ware,Song dynasty
DGVAS: 定窯碗 Ding ware bowl, Northern Song dynasty
DGVAS: 定窯梅瓶 Ding ware , Mei-ping , plum bottle, originally for storage of wine.
DGVAS: 定窯-劃花-瓶-半梅瓶--北宋末期 Ding ware, semi-Mei-ping, short form of plum vase
DGVAS: ding-plate 定窯 白瓷 劃花 葵口盤
DGVAS: 定窯 精品 以犀牛望月 應屬金( 照片由紐約 私人收藏提供) From a private collection ,N.Y. USA
DGVAS: 北宋醬紅釉定窯瓶
DGVAS: 綠定(或淄博) 盤 Green glaze, Ding ware
DGVAS: 北宋-刻牡丹紋-瓶rev