DGVAS: Happy-Lunar-New-Year, Prosperity for the coming year, the wish of many of us.
DGVAS: black-cat-under-the-table
DGVAS: just-curves
DGVAS: our-life-and-everything
DGVAS: the-world-is-flat
DGVAS: for-jenny-happy-birthday
DGVAS: Bamboo poem
DGVAS: 16伽耶山頂經-完成二 Visual Art out from old stuff
DGVAS: Chinese seal-art,中華文化 藝術 的最精華 篆刻 從櫟園 到 西泠
DGVAS: 艾葉綠凍石 為何 明人認為壽山石 以綠色為第一 沒看過就難理解
DGVAS: morning-after
DGVAS: purple-flower
DGVAS: summer-day-cool
DGVAS: morming-by-the-Sun Moon Lake
DGVAS: we-are-the-future
DGVAS: colors-of-June
DGVAS: purple-flowers
DGVAS: Oxalis-corymbosa-DC.
DGVAS: To all my flickr friends :happy-lunar-new-year
DGVAS: a-young-lady's-favorite, Rose-Feb
DGVAS: mother's-day
DGVAS: damzui-river-at-bali
DGVAS: vegetable-salad
DGVAS: dancing-in-the-morning
DGVAS: conclusion for 2008
DGVAS: my-migraine
DGVAS: the-perfect-spin
DGVAS: flamengowf
DGVAS: rainyday-in-the-forest