談閒飛白酒半潮紅-趙之謙 將軍洞老芙蓉石鈕 Chatting Writing (poem and calligraphy) in the middle of a wine party (drinking wine and flushing)
達觀樓主翰墨-洪以南-澤谷仙太郎- 澤谷星橋 星橋谷仙 杜陵坑 太獅少獅紐 1925年治 篆刻藝術 Chinese Shousan stone seal calligraphy by Japanese artist in Taiwan
-國士之風 the style of a nation level gentleman -桂山作-艾葉綠 dark green semitransparent shousan stone is rare and once in Ming and early Ching regarded as the best of Shousan stone spp.
-曾經滄海 ever been to the sea, meaning had one been to the the sea then hardly anything can be the real sense of water (other than the sea)-陳子奮-松jpg
楚橋作 無限江山 桃花凍石 borderless river and mountains : the king is sad about being taken away from his land under strong force and wonder if he could ever return to his homeland
17-18th century seal /stamp by Guu-ling 顧苓 神物護持 the calligraphy 4characters meaning protected by heavenly spirit