Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: snowshoeing between cloud layers along Source Lake and Snow Lake
Darcy Barry: Kendall Peak Lakes Snowshoe Trail
Darcy Barry: Kendall Peak Lakes Snowshoe Trail
Darcy Barry: Kendall Peak Lakes Snowshoe Trail
Darcy Barry: Kendall Peak Lakes Snowshoe Trail
Darcy Barry: Kendall Peak Lakes Snowshoe Trail
Darcy Barry: view of Mount Adams and snowboarder
Darcy Barry: Camp Muir
Darcy Barry: heading towards Camp Muir
Darcy Barry: heading towards Camp Muir
Darcy Barry: approaching Panorama Point
Darcy Barry: view of Mount Saint Helens and orange tent
Darcy Barry: Hurricane Ridge snowshoeing
Darcy Barry: Hurricane Ridge snowshoeing
Darcy Barry: Hurricane Ridge snowshoeing
Darcy Barry: Hurricane Ridge snowshoeing