Dara Weinberg: The dance party started....pretty much upon entry.
Dara Weinberg: You said it, owls. Loudly.
Dara Weinberg: Rainbow boats
Dara Weinberg: Team Tahoe 2011!
Dara Weinberg: The boats are thataway.
Dara Weinberg: Kate, I think it's time for a new Facebook photo.
Dara Weinberg: snowy beach
Dara Weinberg: snowy beach
Dara Weinberg: This is like...4 clicks from amazing picturedom.
Dara Weinberg: Kate wins the most photogenic award. For this and all other trips.
Dara Weinberg: This was the best game of pool I've ever played. And by that I mean I actually sunk balls.
Dara Weinberg: Stack em up. That's a phrase, right? Rack em up?
Dara Weinberg: concentration
Dara Weinberg: concentration deux
Dara Weinberg: Seriously, dude. That shadow.
Dara Weinberg: Amirite?
Dara Weinberg: Serious.
Dara Weinberg: Serious.
Dara Weinberg: Drew makes a Disney Prince/Villain face whilst slaying the "Ancient Dragon" gambling machine.
Dara Weinberg: Thank goodness we found a casino.
Dara Weinberg: Kate hearts blackjack.
Dara Weinberg: Enthralled by chips.