Dara Weinberg: Enchanted pose
Dara Weinberg: 243/365
Dara Weinberg: Mansion photos
Dara Weinberg: backyard
Dara Weinberg: 244/365
Dara Weinberg: living room
Dara Weinberg: no more kitchen table
Dara Weinberg: guest notes on the fridge at the mansion
Dara Weinberg: upside-down skywriting
Dara Weinberg: Chris squared. Also sword.
Dara Weinberg: Chris + sword
Dara Weinberg: Chris and Josh
Dara Weinberg: upside-down skywriting
Dara Weinberg: Isaac prepares to chop cornhole beanbags with the sword that would later cut Chris's finger
Dara Weinberg: ah, shows at the Greek