Dara Weinberg: Rehearsal lunch
Dara Weinberg: giving out silly bands or whatever that nonsense was
Dara Weinberg: rehearsal walk-through outside the museum
Dara Weinberg: Barack Obama?
Dara Weinberg: No, it's cool. Tomorrow, when we walk down the aisle together, we're going to be totally chill. No. Laughing. At. All.
Dara Weinberg: rehearsal
Dara Weinberg: stop it.
Dara Weinberg: rehearsal
Dara Weinberg: Sorry Sara. Had to include one.
Dara Weinberg: Mother of the bride is second from the right :)
Dara Weinberg: Mendhi!
Dara Weinberg: smiles!
Dara Weinberg: application of henna
Dara Weinberg: A special poem written especially for their Mendhi
Dara Weinberg: this girl was amazing