Dara Weinberg: tumbleweed hat
Dara Weinberg: tumbleweed
Dara Weinberg: unclear
Dara Weinberg: obligatory
Dara Weinberg: turbines! (windmills!) (hey.)
Dara Weinberg: identical?
Dara Weinberg: Cheryl teaches us about the circle of life.
Dara Weinberg: cute ol' couple
Dara Weinberg: Adrian looks photoshopped. He isn't.
Dara Weinberg: Chris, Neil, Matt
Dara Weinberg: Robin and Jaime
Dara Weinberg: inside the cave
Dara Weinberg: top of the cave
Dara Weinberg: I am an awkward climber
Dara Weinberg: Justin climbs out of the cave
Dara Weinberg: Penny is frightened
Dara Weinberg: It looks like a mighty wind is coming from the canyon and blowing Justin backward.
Dara Weinberg: canyon/cravasse/whatever
Dara Weinberg: "It's this big!"
Dara Weinberg: Chris doesn't know what's smiling for the camera
Dara Weinberg: Chris is handsome
Dara Weinberg: bespectacled ladies
Dara Weinberg: group photo!
Dara Weinberg: mixed bag band photo
Dara Weinberg: mixed bag band photo