Danyel B. Photography:
Klebrige Pelargonie - Pelaegonium gluthinosum
Danyel B. Photography:
Fruchtblätter / pistils Ritterstern
Danyel B. Photography:
Staubblätter / stamens Ritterstern
Danyel B. Photography:
pink tulip
Danyel B. Photography:
los lassen
Danyel B. Photography:
Buschwindröschen - Anemone nemorosa
Danyel B. Photography:
rusty chain
Danyel B. Photography:
the fly
Danyel B. Photography:
sounding body
Danyel B. Photography:
Danyel B. Photography:
Danyel B. Photography:
Danyel B. Photography:
Danyel B. Photography:
rain drops on red petal
Danyel B. Photography:
Waldbrettspiel - Pararge aegeria
Danyel B. Photography:
hover fly full of pollen
Danyel B. Photography:
robber-fly - Asilidae
Danyel B. Photography:
Tagpfauenauge - Aglais io
Danyel B. Photography:
Danyel B. Photography:
remember the old days