dan winckler: Our mountain retreat
dan winckler: The welcoming committee
dan winckler: Enthusiastic greetings from the welcoming committee
dan winckler: Mountain retreat from below
dan winckler: What we saw each morning except the last
dan winckler: The reason we chose this place on Airbnb
dan winckler: Constant temptation
dan winckler: Planning!
dan winckler: Noting!
dan winckler: P1150490
dan winckler: Shooting!
dan winckler: Hiking!
dan winckler: The view from the top of the mountain
dan winckler: Picking wildflowers
dan winckler: P1170705
dan winckler: My favorite bird has an antique store
dan winckler: Our favorite brewery on the trip
dan winckler: IMG_2326
dan winckler: Unintentional matchy matchy
dan winckler: Last Vermont sunset