T. REX: Trees
T. REX: I dont have my compy to brighten these up
T. REX: A Map of the route
T. REX: The Path
T. REX: Again
T. REX: I was up there
T. REX: Just Like Home
T. REX: Lac Vert
T. REX: Its Cold, I'm Wet, and I'm Leaving
T. REX: Twin Lakes
T. REX: Nice Path
T. REX: Schist coloring board
T. REX: 7000ish years old Drawings
T. REX: Not cavemen bronze age men
T. REX: Descriptor of the Voie Sacree
T. REX: French Friends I Met on the Mountain
T. REX: In and out of clouds all day
T. REX: What it would look like without clouds
T. REX: Panneaux
T. REX: Thats Where I started
T. REX: Green Brown White Grey
T. REX: Mt something or other..ais
T. REX: Goat Attack
T. REX: Goat House Kinda like Dog House
T. REX: Hotel where I stayed