DanR: Sulphur-crested cockatoo being a bully
DanR: Galahs at the water bowl
DanR: Galah with raised crest
DanR: Fogcockatoo
DanR: Cockatoos breakfasting
DanR: Kookaburra monster
DanR: Kookaburra shaking head
DanR: Kookaburra snack
DanR: Kookaburra portrait
DanR: Kookaburra having a snack
DanR: Fluffed up kookaburra
DanR: Kookaburra eye
DanR: Kookaburra beak
DanR: Cockie stretching
DanR: Cockies and parrots
DanR: Eh, eh, know what I mean, nudge, nudge?
DanR: Crest exercises
DanR: King parrot silhouette
DanR: Decorative rosellas
DanR: White-headed pigeon, being suspicious
DanR: White-headed pigeon, being rotund
DanR: Count the cockatoos
DanR: Evil cockatoo overlord
DanR: Birds ARE weird.
DanR: Scruffy the cockatoo
DanR: Cockatoo eye-wrinkles
DanR: Little Corella
DanR: Wing-stretching
DanR: Angel wings
DanR: Cockatoo clot