dcscott110: Signs and ballons as you entered Barnes & Noble
dcscott110: Listening to Story time: Corduroy Bear
dcscott110: The Colts love Corduroy Bear!
dcscott110: Face painting fun!
dcscott110: "I'd like my butterfly blue, like my school colors!"
dcscott110: The teacher book wish list table--it was very sparse by the end of the night!
dcscott110: Decorating cookies was SWEET!
dcscott110: Lining up to learn all about chocolate
dcscott110: Learning amazing things about chocolate...like chocolate is a VEGETABLE! Who knew?
dcscott110: I spy a vice principal hiding in the book stacks...she likes chocolate too!
dcscott110: KME Colts having a great time at Barnes & Noble event
dcscott110: The Chocolate king & queen
dcscott110: Singing the chocolate song (Does KME have a school song yet?)
dcscott110: Singing the chocolate song
dcscott110: Getting to sample white, milk, or dark chocolate
dcscott110: Even some future KME Colts stopped by!
dcscott110: Learning about Dragon Flies and how to be good stewards of our earth from Keep Forsyth Beautiful
dcscott110: Dragon Flies can live underwater form 205 years. So interesting!