dcscott110: Ice cream... almost done!
dcscott110: cookie dough... YUM!
dcscott110: rollin' some dough
dcscott110: Liam at work
dcscott110: Ellison... CAUGHT!
dcscott110: Addison cuttin' come cookies
dcscott110: time for cookie dough!
dcscott110: Ellison adding some more!
dcscott110: Addi adding the heavy cream
dcscott110: Addi adding the heavy cream
dcscott110: Liam is GREAT at crackin' eggs
dcscott110: Liam is GREAT at crackin' eggs
dcscott110: Three kids ready for fun!
dcscott110: Starry Eyes - Liam
dcscott110: Ben and Jerry's recipe...
dcscott110: Lots of red fingers and mouths in these 2 rows!
dcscott110: Mom's doing all the work!
dcscott110: Amelia capturing some great memories
dcscott110: Liam found one that looks like a heart!
dcscott110: Mmmmm!
dcscott110: A little sour, Elli?
dcscott110: In about a week, it'll be a ripe, red, juicy one
dcscott110: Cute little berry...come into my basket!
dcscott110: What she did the entire time. Eat.
dcscott110: Me and my child labor crew
dcscott110: juicy, red berry
dcscott110: Hmmm..which one to eat next...
dcscott110: Rox and me (photo by Liam--hence the weird angle!)
dcscott110: Beep, beep!
dcscott110: Liam perched on the Deere