dcscott110: elli screaming
dcscott110: camp fire dance
dcscott110: ellison as ariel
dcscott110: liam jigging
dcscott110: girls singing
dcscott110: Rock-a-bye baby...
dcscott110: Kung-Fu Panda and Ariel...
dcscott110: I think she's tryiing to be Ariel...
dcscott110: The Girls and their Belly Bump
dcscott110: Who hasn't had a nap today?
dcscott110: LIAM TIRE VIDEO
dcscott110: Liam, riding in the rain...
dcscott110: elli dance
dcscott110: liam tuning his guitar
dcscott110: the band
dcscott110: Little Pine Tree
dcscott110: Addison (kind of) singing Elmo's world
dcscott110: Liam and his soing about Cardboard Boxes
dcscott110: ellison singing a song about a princess
dcscott110: An Unsolicited DV:FX endorsement.
dcscott110: Addi talking and singing...
dcscott110: Addi got a "new" bed today.
dcscott110: Plug for virtue packs
dcscott110: West Michigan Mom's Sale
dcscott110: Ellison loves The Climb
dcscott110: Dance Party in Addi's Room!
dcscott110: taye dancing
dcscott110: THE CLIMB - SHORT
dcscott110: Making Faces!